Innertia of Coding Errors

Posted on Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Sometimes it takes many fools to commit one error. It’s unfortunate because one fool’s mistake does no harm until others join the party. Everything stays fine and everyone goes their marry way. To make the matter worst, this initial success boosts this fool’s confidence.

Anatomy of a CSS Rule

Posted on Wednesday, September 16, 2020

From time to time, I would like to pause and study the fundamentals of web development instead of constantly trying to catch-up with new features and frameworks. It helps me adhere to basic principles of web development — no mater which new feature or framework I use. Today, I want to go over the anatomy of CSS rule with you. Most of this you may already know but wouldn't hurt going through a quick refresher.

Hazards of Reusability

Posted on Sunday, December 29, 2019

We, software engineers, love code reusability. It helps us deliver faster and cheaper while keeping the website consistent. What’s there not to love about it! However, we’re still learning how to create reusable user experience for web. There are more failed design systems than successful ones. These failures can be attributed to factors such as sponsorship, organizational priorities or technology. Today, I want to share few hazards of focusing too much on reusability based on my past experience. Some of this may lead to redundancy and eventually leading your designs system to be impractical.