Hello & Welcome!

I’m Pratik Mehta. An experienced frontend engineer and an enthusiast designer from Princeton, NJ.

I specialize in building responsive and inclusive websites backed by thoughtfully crafted design systems. This site is sum of my learnings and experiences of doing just so. Recruiters, or alike, looking for my professional background can find my online resume here.

If you’re wondering about my choice of domain name, Good Frontender, let me tell you that it I didn’t intended it to be so dramatic. It’s just that the obvious choices (mehtapratik.com and pratikmehta.com) were taken. I had to be creative. The name is after the TV Shows or phrases such as Good Samaritian, Good Shepherd, Goodreads, Good Doctor, Good Wife, Good Place and Good Omen (pun intended).

This site is built using 11ty and hosted on Netlify; sourcecode of it can be found at GitHub.